Firstly, do you have $3?
Of course you have!
How about turning that $3 into $49,152?
Read below to find out how…
The Crypto Team Build Forced 1X3 Matrix is…
The power of… 1? 2? 3? ← Passed Up To YOU The Sponsor!
A Team Forced 1 X 3 Matrix Program where you can start out with ? ONLY $3 ? and turn it into thousands.
All it takes to start is $3… then you never need to add any more money and you could turn that ===>$3 into $49,152⇐= through your recruiting efforts!
You start out with ONLY $3… buying your 1st position in that 1 X 3 forced matrix.
Once your Team Forced 1 X 3 Matrix is filled (cycles) you will have earned $6. Each time you fill a matrix you DOUBLE your money!
When your downline fills (cycles) their 1 X 3 forced Matrix their 3rd position is then ☝️☝️☝️passed up☝️☝️☝️ to you!
You will have a ?Global PIF Pool? to bring NEW members into your downline to CYCLE your Team Forced 1 X 3 Matrices faster!
In the Team Forced 1 X 3 Matrix there will be 15 Matrix Levels… the 1st is $3 the 15th is $49,152.
Once your $3 Matrix Cycles you will take the initial $3 and the $3 profit and buy the next $6 Level Matrix.
Each Matrix Level keeps doubling $3 – $6 – $12 – $24 – $48 – $96 – $192 – $384 – $768 – $1536 – $3072 – $6,144 – $12,288 – $24,576 – $49,152.
If you keep taking your profits – starting with the $6 profits from your $3 Matrix – buying the next higher Level Matrices $6 to $49,152 – you will never need to add any more money unless you want to PIF someone, from the Global PIF Pool, to make your Matrices CYCLE Faster.
Use the 3rd Position ☝️Pass Ups☝️, from your downline, as your ?Spending Money?.
You can have multiple matrix positions on all the levels from $3 to $49,152!
The Crypto Team Build Marketing System will do ALL the selling for you for your Crypto Offers. All you do is RECRUIT – RECRUIT – RECRUIT using ALL the powerful marketing tools coded to YOU in your back office.
Even better you will be PAID for every QUALITY lead you generate – promoting your Lead Capture Page – from those who find their way into the Crypto Team Build Telegram Bot System who successfully go through the onboarding process!
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